
In this section you can configure below settings;

  1. Configuring Webhooks for Smart Replies

  2. Default Fall Back Message & Smart Actions

  3. Selecting Channels

  4. Settings For Incoming Media

  5. Settings For Groups

Configuring Webhooks For Smart Replies

If are a developer and want to give dynamic replies from your application then please specify the URL here, you have the option to push data in JSON format also . Refer Webhook Variables & Working Methods.

If you configure webhook here then global webhook if any configured under the main Settings section will be ignored.

Default Fall Back Message & Smart Actions

You can configure default fall back message and "Smart Actions" which helps to take certain actions when the bot dont understand the user question , the smart actions is helpful to tag the customer , send a whatsapp / email message to an agent to takeover the chat , disable the smart replies for certain period of times and all other available smart actions

Click the "+" button to add smart actions which need to be taken when the bot dont understand the user question. Click Here to Get Complete List of Available Smart Actions

Selecting Channels

You can specify to which channel / application the smart replies need to be configured , suppose if you dont wish to send smart replies via SMS then it can turn it off here. If you are using WhatsApp Personal & Business under same license then you can specify the channel here.

Settings for Incoming Media

You can specific a static reply for incoming media i.e what reply the smart reply need to give when a user sends a media like "We have received your documents etc" If you left this field blank then user will not get any reply back.

For WhatsApp if you want to send a link to upload the Media then please leave this field blank and Enable the WhatsApp Incoming Media Handling Feature. Click Here For More Details

Settings For Groups

Here you can specify how the group messages need to be handled by Smart Reply. If you enable the "Send Smart Reply For WhatsApp Groups" then smart reply will send reply to group messages as well.

Last updated