Most Frequent Issues & Solutions
In this article we will show the most frequent asked troubleshooting questions and its solutions
Broadcast Push API
I am getting âSucessâ as broadcast API response but my WhatsApp messages are not getting delivered to the recipient phone. Why ?
There could be many reasons for this , your picky assist bridge app might not have configured correctly or accessibility permission granted to the picky assist app got revoked by the system , follow the below steps;
Make sure the accessibility permission is granted to the Picky Assist app, to verify please open the picky assist mobile app , from the dashboard Click on âCheck Accessibility Statusâ then enable the access if disabled and if enabled then disable and enable it again.
Make sure you are passing mobile number without + or 00 , you must pass mobile number with country code followed by the number.
+55 123456789(Wrong) -> 55123456789 (Correct)Make sure all the necessary permission are granted to picky assist bridge mobile app. Open mobile app and tap âSet Permissionâ and grant all permissions to the app
Make sure you are installed the latest version of picky assist bridge app i.e 4.5
Make sure the mobile where the whatsapp is installed has an active internet connection
Make sure the mobile and whatsapp language is set to English
Make sure the mobile is not locked , the screen lock should be set to âNoneâ
Why messages are missing when sending continuously or in bulk ?
If you are continuously calling the broadcast API there are high chances the mobile phone which do the automation wont response to the request beyond certain limits , so your messages wont reach the phone.
We highly recommend not to call the broadcast API continuously or one by one in a loop function in order to push message in the same time, instead pass all the number and message in a single API call which will ensure your messages reaches the phone correctly.
We have also observed in few phones whatsapp app takes more time to render (open) in this case message missing chances are high so we recommend to set higher delay timings between each messages in the picky assist mobile app if you encounter any issues. Recommended delay is 10 seconds
When sending message sometimes it opens the whatsapp and pre-fill the message against the correct contact but message is not sending , why?
This is mainly because the âAccessibilityâ permission to the picky assist app might have revoked by the system , go to Picky Assist Mobile App Click on âCheck Accessibility Statusâ then enable the access if disabled and if enabled then disable and enable it again.
Also make sure you are passing a valid whatsapp number followed by country code without 0 or +
Why I am getting âAuthentication Failedâ as response when i trigger the Broadcast API?
This error is because you are using a wrong API token or the project mapped to the API token is not in active status.
Make sure API Token status is enabled in Settings -> API Token
Make sure you are not passing any junk values in message tag in the API , only UTF-8 Characters are supports in the message tag. If you pass any sql query, php codes or any programming language codes then you will drop the message request
Why I am getting âInsufficient Balanceâ as response when i trigger the Broadcast API ?
Please note broadcast API works only in Pay As You Go & Unlimited Plan , please make sure you are calling the API from the project which any of the above plan is activated.
I have configured Webhook in picky assist console but my URL is not hitting when receiving a message in my phone , why?
This is because your webhook file is not properly configured by the developer to receive messages from picky assist servers, please check followings
First make sure the incoming messages are showing in the picky assist console âMessagesâ , if the messages are not showing then the issue will in the picky assist bridge mobile app.
Please make sure Smart Replies are Offline, If smart replies are online global webhook which set under Settings -> Webhook will not trigger but you can configure Webhook under Smart Replies -> Settings
Picky Assist app wont work with any cloned or dual whatsapp installed in your phone, please make sure only whatsapp personal and business in running in your phone
Make sure your server accepts POST requests from 3rd party sites
Make sure your firewall / router not blocking our server ip, if required please whitelist our server ip
After configuring the webhook please use the âTestâ button in the webhook to test request and response.
Incoming messages are hitting in server but reply messages are not getting delivered back to the sender , why?
This is because you are not giving response in correct JSON format, you need to give response in JSON format immediately to the webhook , please refer Settings -> Webhook for sample JSON Format.
You can also test the response using our inbuilt Test tool, go to Settings -> Webhook configure your webhook URL Click on âTestâ button it will show both request and response, if your response is not in correct JSON format then our system will show an error.
Incoming messages are not showing in my Web Console or not getting the request in my Webhook URL , Why?
The reason could be any of the followings ;
Notification Access is not given to the picky assist mobile app, please go to picky assist mobile app and Click on âCheck Notification Statusâ and ensure Picky Assist is turned on as shown below

Make sure WhatsApp Notification is turned on from the Notification Settings of the WhatsApp or Phone
In most of the phones Google Play blocks certain types of socket communications to 3rd party services so there are chances the communication sockets of picky assist might have blocked by Google Play , you need to disable the âPlay Protectâ Follow the below steps to disable the Play Protect
Open Google Play Store -> From Top Left Side Menu -> Click âPlay Protectâ -> Disable âScan device for security threatsâ

Why I am seeing name in the number field instead of whatsapp incoming number ?
This is possible if the incoming number is already saved in the phone contacts with a name and have multiple numbers added into the contacts where the picky assist app in installed
We highly recommend to clear your phone contacts list to get all numbers captured correctly by picky assist app, as sometimes numbers saved in the phone contacts may not have country code and broadcast feature will not work without country code.
Last updated
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