
Once the WhatsApp Official is configured in your project you can see the dashboard which show the quick stats of your connected number, you can access this from the Settings -> Channels -> WhatsApp Official or can access the it directly via this link ihttps://pickyassist.com/beta/channel_status/wp_official_status/dashboard


By default the dashboard shows the current month data, you can filter the data using the Filter options, kindly note that data of this dashboard shows from March 10th 2022 onwards, you can group the data by day, week, month or year useful if you selecting a large

Subscriber Quick Informations

You can see quick stats how many subscriber you have in your WhatsApp Channel, a subscriber will be added when someone sends a new message or your maually add a contact by selecting WhatsApp Official Channel as default channel for them.

Subscribers Statistics

You can see day,week,month,yearly wise subscriber count as per your group condition as show below, you can also see the subscriber which are deleted by you during the period

Messaging Stats

Here you can see messaging stats to find how many incoming messages are coming to your number, how many messages are sent, delivered, read and failed as shown below

Conversation Stats

WhatsApp Official is billed as per the conversation, this stats helps you to understand the conversation in depth

User Initiated means the conversation is started by the user and you have replied

Business initiated means the conversation is started by business

Country Wise Charges

You can find out country wise charges for the user initiated and business initiated charged during the selected period, this helps you to identify messages from which country costs you more.

Last updated