Remove Group Members / Admin
Removing Members or Admin from WhatsApp Groups
Below API allows to Remove Group Members or Admin
Leaving yourself from a group will not delete a group as long as the group have members, if you remove all admin members including you from a group then WhatsApp automatically assign admin privilege to a member in the group and further you may not able to manage the group. So please be careful while leaving a group created by you.
Remove Group Members / Admin
This API allows you to remove group members or admin
Request Body
Your API Token for authentication
Pass the Group ID you would like to update the Group Info
Please pass the type of users you want to remove from the group 0 = Members 1 = Admin Will not work with WhatsApp Web Automation the number you passed will be deleted from the WhatsApp Group irrespective Whether it's a Member or Admin
This is an array and you need to pass the WhatsApp number in order to remove a member / admin from a group The number must be a member / admin in the group, please pass country code along with number without 0 or +
Sample Request Body JSON
Sample Response
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