Match Keywords

The Match Keyword step is one of the most useful features in our chatbot builder, designed to enhance the interactivity and responsiveness of your chatbot. This step enables you to define specific keywords that the chatbot will look for in user responses. When a user’s response contains any of the predefined keywords, the chatbot triggers the corresponding actions, ensuring that users receive relevant and timely information.

At any point of the flow, if the customer is sending a keyword which is added in the match keyword step, then the actions configured in the Match keyword step will execute.

For example in a flow, when a question is asked to the customer and instead of answering they replied Talk to agent, Talk, or Support. Suppose these keyword which is added in the Match Keyword step. So when the user reply match with the keyword, the further steps in the main flow will stop execution and the flow configured in the output of the match keyword step will begin to execute. Since the keyword is talk to the agent so the actions configured in the match keyword step may be Assign chat or ask the phone number of the customers to call.

So by this feature the interaction becomes more user friendly and comfortable to the customers.

Adding Keywords

Add keyword step has mainly two fields one for adding the keyword and other for exact match. By clicking on Add Keyword field we can add more keyword fields and for each keyword field we can configure further flows. If we have some key words which we want to give the same output flow configuration we can give it in a single field separated by comma. If we have keywords for which we want to give different flow configurations we should add it in different fields.

Exact Match

The user can enable and disable exact match in keyword.On enabling this further flow will trigger only if the Keyword exactly matches with the user response word. This option can be enabled separately for each keyword field.

For example, if you sets a keyword like "End" to exit from the conversation and with the Exact match is not enabled and if the user response contains the word ‘Send’, then the Match Keyword step will execute, because there is ‘end’ in the word Send and the system will consider it as the keyword.

Match Keyword Example

Here is an example that, in the feedback flow of a product delivery, if the customer want to replace the product then he replies “Replace” which is in the Match keyword then that step will execute and the flow will continue with the reasons for Replacement.

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