Connector Action
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Connector Action
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Actions help you to take 25+ actions like Sending A WhatsApp Message, Email, Add Tag, Adding Subscribers, Adding User Into a Sequence, etc
You can add multiple actions into a single step which will execute in the order as it displayed on the screen, you can change the action execute order by dragging each actions as shown below;
Action Category
Send Message
Send WhatsApp Message
Send Email
Send An Email
Send WhatsApp Message to a Group of Users, option to segment as well
HTTP Request
Trigger any 3rd party HTTP API and fetch responses for for seamless integrations
Route to Another Connector
This helps to route the requests to another connector for performing more complex filters and actions
Assign Chat
Assign Chat when an event happens in your software
Add Event Feed
Add event details into the Contacts in the Social CRM for contextual conversations
Kick Out User from Conversation
You can kick out (remove) only a specific users from a conversation.
Kick Out All Users
You can kick out (remove) all users from a specific chat
Trigger Counter
Setting the Counter Value by a number specified
Reset Counter
Resetting the Counter existing value to its default value
Cancel Delay
This helps to cancel delay which is setup in any connector
WhatsApp Group (supports only in WhatsApp Web Automation)
Send Message to WA Groups
Post a WhatsApp message into one or more groups
Add User Into WA Groups
Add Members or Admin into one ore more groups
Remove user from a WA Group
Remove a users from a WhatsApp Group
Create a WA Group
This will automatically create a new WhatsApp Group
Add Record to CRM Modules
To add a new record to the selected module
Search Records from CRM Modules
To search the record based on the given criteria and returns the search results
Update Record from CRM Modules
To update one or many records based on the given criteria
Delete Records from CRM Modules
To delete the entire row in a module as per the given criteria
Add contact to chatbot
To add a contact into the chatbot flow
Remove contact from chatbot
To remove a contact from the chatbot flow
Add Record to Funnel
Adds a record in any module into a particular funnel
Remove Record from Funnel
Removes a record from the funnel flow.
Set Attribute
Set an Attribute Value of the Subscriber Field in the Social CRM
Clear Attribute
Clear the value saved against the field
Stop Processing Further Steps
Stops connector from executing the further steps.
Data Storage
Create New Row
This will create a new row, you need to specific the field name and data value
Delete Row
You can delete a row including the data values in it
Update Row Data
This action will perform the row data update
Empty Row Data
This will clear the row data value
Change Owner
You can change owner of a contact
Map Contact
Allows you to add or map contacts so that you can use contact specific actions in the steps
Add Tag
A New tag will be added against the contact
Remove Tag
A specific tag can be removed
Add to Category
A contact can be added into one ore more categories
Remove From Category
A contact can be removed from the category
Delete Contact
Delete a contact from Picky Assist Social CRM
Send Instant Notification
To send instant notifications regarding something to the agents
Add Reminder
To set a Reminder for yourself or Assign Reminder to other agents
Add Notes
Add a note against a contact
Get Users
Assign tasks to users or agents based on their availability, activity, and other essential attributes.
Trigger Macro Button
This action allows CRM macro buttons to activate automatically
Subscribe to Sequence
Add a contact into a Sequence
Remove From Sequence
Remove a contact from a Sequence
Pause Smart Replies
Pause the smart replies for X time
Add to Blacklist
Blacklist the Contact
Remove From Blacklist
Remove the number from blacklist
Stop Executing Further Steps
This will stop executing all further steps.
Add to Optout List
Add the contact to one or many opt out list
Remove from Optout List
Remove the contact from one or many opt out list
3rd Party App
Send WhatsMail
Able to send a proactive email which have a unique reply to address of the contact
Integrating connector with chatgpt for enhanced user experience and seamless engagement
Sending Message is a popular Action used to Send a WhatsApp Message whenever an event or a filter condition is true
It's possible to send a single message content to multiple mobile number by clicking "Add Mobile Number" then either enter the Mobile number with Country Code or use the Attribute option to select the mobile number from a event variable.
Here you need to mention the WhatsApp Number with Country Code, in case the 3rd party event variable don't contain the country code then you can manually insert the country in the begin of the number then following the variable from the 3rd party event using the attribute field, kindly note
This is the Channel from which the messages needs to be send, most popular channel is "WhatsApp Web Automation" so kindly select the application from the drop down correctly.
Please note if you are using WhatsApp Official Application or WhatsApp Shared Number then you need to make use of the Template to ensure delivery of all messages, as in the WhatsApp Official & WhatsApp Shared if the 24 hours session is not valid the free hand message will fail to send.
When you select Application = WhatsApp Shared Number or WhatsApp Official then you will see another option called "Select Template" on clicking a popup will open with a list of all approved templates in your account, select the template and you will see a new option as shown in the below image;
Here you need to only fill the Dynamic Value, the message box can't be edited, you can either manually add the values or use the attribute to select the value from the event variable.
You can send static or dynamic media files by clicking the media icon as shown in the image
You can click on the image to insert a static media files like image, video, document from the gallery or pass the direct media url, use the attribute button to select a dynamic media files from the event variable.
Please mind the WhatsApp supported media formats and maximum allowed size while sending media files. Read More
Broadcaster is a powerful tool which helps you to send messages to a segmented audiences, for an example whenever a new blog is posted in a specific category you will able to send a message to all the subscribers in that specific category which is saved with Picky Assist. See the below image for better understanding
Using the Smart Replies Action it's possible to automatically segment the user by just sending a keyword to your WhatsApp Number.
You can also use the Connector Action - Add Categories to automatically add user into a specific category like when a new contact is created in your CRM. By this way the contact and it's tag, category or attribute value is always synced with Picky Assist so that you will able to make use of Broadcaster feature effectively.
Click on "Select the Segments" and it will open a popup where you can create the segment you would like to send the message, after creating the segment you can click "Save" button as shown below;
Now whenever the broadcaster is triggered the configured message will sent to all it's segmented users.
When you are using this feature with WhatsApp Web Automation Channel please mind your Contact count since sending large volume of messages may leads to blockage of your WhatsApp Number.
When you are using this feature with WhatsApp Official then please mind your messaging tier as allowed by WhatsApp for 24 hours.
If you are using WhatsApp Official without templates then we highly recommend to use the Segment filter as "Last Interaction" 24 hours i.e the system will send the message only to contacts which having valid contactable session as per WhatsApp Official terms of service.
Another great tool to automatically take various actions related to WhatsApp Group when an event happens in the 3rd party platform, WhatsApp Group Support following automations
Kindly note WhatsApp Group Automation Action is supported and shown only if your project have WhatsApp Web Automation channel activated.
You can send a message to one or multiple WhatsApp Groups by selecting the WhatsApp Group as shown below, after selecting the group input the messages you want to send in the body.
When you are sending message to WhatsApp Groups the system attribute value will not work, so always use the attribute value from the 3rd party event variable.
This action allows you to add one or many members into one or many groups.
You need to first Select Groups then Add WhatsApp Number, you can hardcode the WhatsApp number or select it from dynamically using the attribute option, it's possible to add more numbers by clicking the "Add WhatsApp Number" button as shown in the below image;
Auto Create New Child Groups If the Group is Full
As you know that each WhatsApp group is limited only to 256 members but when you use it with automation tool like the Connector it may not practically possible for you to monitor this limit and keep the settings changed every time a group is full.
We have addressed this solution by automatically creating child groups if the selected group is full, for an example in the automation you have selected a group named "Technology" to add members automatically whenever you have new subscriber in your blog who are interested to receive technology news from you. So when the "Technology" group is full our system will automatically create a child group by giving a name as "Technology 1" when the "Technology 1" is full we will automatically create a new group named "Technology 2".
If you configured to send a message to "Technology" group then all the members in the "Technology" and its child groups i.e "Technology 1" & "Technology 2" will receive your message update.
Please note group admin's will not repeat in the child groups which are automatically created by our system.
When you automate groups through our platform we highly recommend not to have too many admin's.
We don't recommend to manually add new members into any of the child or main group created through the automation as we may not able to identify those events and as a result the child group auto creation may not work as it should be.
Child groups created by our system will not shows in our platform however you will able to see this in your phone.
This action allows you to automatically create a WhatsApp Groups and add members or admin into it, while creating a new WhatsApp Group you can give decide the group permission like who all can post message into the Group, if "Only Admin Can Post" is selected then only group admin's able to post messages into a group.
One of the many usecase is that if someone fills a lead form and you want to automatically create a WhatsApp Group and add your Sales Team members and Customer into the WhatsApp for instant team collaborations.
Using this action you will able to remove one or more members from a WhatsApp Group, you need to select the WhatsApp Group & Enter the number's to be removed from the WhatsApp Group as shown below
The usecase is that if you are allowing access to a paid WhatsApp Group where you offer some tips and tricks, you can forcefully remove the user if the payment is due or not received from that group.
This is one of the powerful action which helps you to trigger an external API and fetch the response then make use of the response in other steps.
You don't need to be a developer or don't need any coding skill to use the HTTP API which are provided by other 3rd party platform, still you need to spend some time to understand how API works, then copy and paste the certain details from the API documentation to our platform.
Few usecase are as below;
Send an SMS If the number is not in WhatsApp, Simply call the HTTP API to send the messages, we supports almost all SMS Provider's API.
Create a Contact in any CRM when someone fills a Google Form.
Check for bill payment status in your billing software and send WhatsApp message if the bill is not paid.
Select HTTP API as Action then Click on "Configure" button and a popup will open as show below;
Name : You can give a name for the request you make like Contact Adding API.
Method : We support all the request method like POST, GET, DELETE,PUT,PATCH,HEAD etc as per the API doc's you need to select the correct method.
URL : This is where you need to put the API endpoint, on clicking the </> icon you can dynamically select attributes.
Header : This is where you can pass the header contents, the key is the variable name and value is the value, this is applicable if the 3rd party API doc specific that certain values needs to be passed as header, can click on "Add Header" button to add more headers.
Body : This is where you can pass the body of the request, this is optional and based on each API doc you can pass the body, the body can be passed in various methods like Query String, JSON, Row - if you select row you will able to pass any kind of contents or codes.
Can use the attribute, body type, and row content as shown below
After you selected the Request Method, URL, Header & Body (if applicable) you need to trigger "Test" button to make a test API call to the 3rd party as show below
We support response mapping in JSON format only, i.e your API provider must give response in JSON format and the response values will be available in the attribute section and can be used in further steps.
For example if you want to lookup whether a contact is existing in your CRM or not then you may need the response mapping coming from your CRM, in the further steps you can make use of the values.
Important Notes
If the response is not in JSON format then we will show an error "Response Mapping Not Done, Only JSON can be mapped as Response "
If the response is in JSON format then the system will automatically map the JSON values and will be available to select in further steps.
The response will automatically map only for the first time, if there is a change in the JSON structure then system will prompt you with a message "JSON Structure Change Detected" and will give you an option to remap the Structure.
Logs menu will show only after triggering at-least one API request, only last 20 logs will be shown, you can click the "View" button to see the detailed request and response.
Fallback is the feature used to instruct our system what action should be taken if your API request is failed, you can choose "Continue Further Steps" or "Stop Executing Further Steps" depends on further steps settings you can choose the fall back action.
Alert Email : Alert email helps you to get email alerts whenever an API request is failed, you can specify upto 10 email address separated by comma.
In order to avoid sending too many email, our system will send only 1 email in every one hour irrespective of number of API requests are getting failed. if you want to test this or reset the counter then click on "Reset Mail Timeout" this will clear the counter.
Maximum timeout for API response is configured to 1 minute i.e if we are not getting any response from the 3rd party API in 60 seconds the system will terminate the API request.
Please use the HTTP API feature keeping the Rate Limit in mind, by default all accounts have a API rate limit of 10 requests per minute, if you need to increase this limit please contact if you are making more than 10 API requests in a minute you will get an error "Rate Limit Exceeded"
Assign chat is a feature of "Teambox" which able you to assign a chat to one or more users or departments in the Teambox when an event receives in the Connector
This feature is also called as "Out of Box" routing which is capable to start a conversation in Teambox even if the user is not initiates the conversation first.
Below are few usecases:
Manual Followup from Google Sheets for Billing
Let's assume that you have a Google Sheet in which you have a list of clients whose bills are maintained, every day you want to send a WhatsApp message to the customer whose bills are due for more than 15 days at the same time you want this to be assigned to a User or Departments for manual followup's. This can be done through Assign Chat, using the Live Event feeds its also possible to provide a contextual information to your Teambox users like the bill details, last payment made, payable amount, payment gateway link etc.
The same logic can be integrated with any billing softwares like Zoho Invoices, Quickbook, Hubspot etc.
Instant Followup
Instantly assign a customer to a user or department when they fill a new call back form or request a quote in your website, can create filter to assign the chat into the right user or departments, use the live event feeds to provide more details.
This can be integrated with many popular CRM's like Zoho CRM, Hubspot and Popular Form builders like Google Forms, Jot Forms etc.
Go to Steps -> Actions then find "Assign Chat" as shown below;
You will see a configuration as shown below;
Select Channel
You need to select the channel to which the chat should be allocated, only WhatsApp Channels are available to allocate the chat at this moment
Select Assignment Logic
There are 2 options you can define here to assign the chat as explained below
Default Routing Rules
If you enabled the default routing rules then the system will use the global routing rules you have configured under Organisation -> Routing Rules
You will also see an additional option "Send No Response/Offline Message if no user attended the chat, by default the system don't send any offline/no response messages for chats allocated through Connector as the end user not initiated the conversation, so they may get confused if you send a WhatsApp message saying that "No Users are offline" however if you wish to enable this you can check the checkbox and the system will send the "No Response/Offline" message as configured by you in the Organisation -> Routing Rules.
Assign Chat
If the assign chat is selected as the Chat Assignment Logic then system will ignore the global routing rules you configured and forcefully assign the chat to the user you selected or department you selected
You can select the users or departments as shown below;
Please note if you are selected to assign chat to one or many departments then all the users in the department will be assigned to the specific chat.
Message is the internal message for the user in the teambox to identify from the chat is coming, this won't be visible to the end users.
Maximum 160 characters can be used as an internal messages and can be configured as shown below;
Event feed is a great feature helps your users to get more informations about the event which happens as a result the chat allocation is happened, this is useful for users to get more contextual informations while assisting the customers, this also avoids navigating to multiple system to check the context of the event.
For an example if the chat is allocated when an "Unhappy" customer submits a feedback form in your website, using the event feeds you can easily extract the informations in the feedback form and show to your user whom the chat is allocated, this helps your users to solve the issue quickly and avoid login into multiple platforms.
See the below image how the Live Event Feeds appears in the Teambox against each contact
To Add event feeds simply enabled the "Add Event Feed" and enter the Event Feed Subject & Event Body, you can use the attribute to select the data coming from the events as shown below;
You can also add media files like images, video using the "Image" button as show in the below image
Event button is a feature which allows to present your user with multiple buttons to take actions, for an example when a negative feedback event is received and the user solves the issues then can click on the button to mark it as solved.
Configuring Buttons
You can configure the buttons by giving the following information as shown below;
Button Name
Give a button name.
When the user clicks on this button the URL configured here will be triggered, use the attribute to pass the dynamic values.
Opens In
You can select how the new URL content should be loaded, have following 2 options.
Inline: The destination URL will be loaded inside the Picky Assist Teambox in an iframe.
New Window: The destination URL will be loaded in a new browser window.
You can add more buttons using the "Add Button" menu as shown in the above image.
You can customise how the event body title and buttons should appear in the Teambox click on the "Customise Event Body" button and a new popup will open as shown below where you can customise the colour
When you have more buttons you have the flexibility to give different color background, border color and button text color for each buttons
Add event feeds works same as explained in the above section, kindly read the same to understand how it works, this separate action is integrated to give the flexibility to silently add the events to a contacts without assigning chat to a user, for an example if you want to add event feeds whenever a payment is received in the Stripe, this can be simply done by through "Add Event Feed"
This helps you to cancel a delay which is configured in the steps, let's take an example how it works, if you have setup 5 delay's to send a periodic reminders and actions when a new subscriber enters into one of your webinar and later for some reason you have to cancel the webinar, in this case the Cancel Delay actions comes into action which helps you to automatically cancel all those delay's which are specified for the webinar whenever you cancel the webinar.
From the action find the Cancel Delay and you need to select the Connector after that specific identifier name that needs to be canceled, it's possible to select multiple Connectors & Identifiers to perform multiple cancellations at a time.
Execution Type
This is the settings after canceling the delay action whether any further steps in the connector should be executed or not not, depends on your further step configuration and actions you can decide the same accordingly.
Kindly note the delay cancellation works purely based on the identifier name you have configured, i.e if the system will cancel all the delays which match the identifier name in the selected connector, so you must map the identifier name with a unique values like meeting id, reference id etc so that only the specific delay will get cancelled
This action allows you to route the event details to another Connector which helps you to perform complex filters and actions, for an example if your existing platform gives only option to configure one webhook which sends the JSON data structure in different format for each events like when a contact is created it gives data in certain JSON structure while when a contact is deleted it gives the data in another JSON structure, using the Route to Another Connector features helps you to create a filter then route different data to another Connector for performing further filter and actions.
Make sure you are not routing to a connector which has an action which route back to the same connector again as which create an infinite loop between both connectors, for an example in Connector A you have an action which route to Connector B then Connector B have an action which routes again to Connector A, in order to avoid the infinite loop execution if the system detects such loop then it stop executing the steps after it reaches the rotation 10 times.
Create Filter for routing to another Connector if the data structure for each event is different.
Don't route to a Connector which the data structure is different than the source connector, always route to a new Connector in which the Connector URL is not configured in a 3rd party platforms.
The inclusion of ChatGPT Action, a powerful AI tool within the Connector, significantly enhances business performance. It improves the user experience, making interactions effortless, and aids business growth by providing instant, accurate responses to customer inquiries. This seamless engagement builds customer satisfaction.
Imagine you run an e-commerce store that receives numerous customer inquiries daily. By using ChatGPT Action within Picky Assist's Connector, you can create a virtual customer support agent to handle these inquiries effectively.
Customer Inquiry:
A customer sends a message via WhatsApp, inquiring about product availability, pricing, and delivery options.
ChatGPT Action Processing:
Picky Assist's Connector detects the inquiry and triggers ChatGPT Action.
ChatGPT processes the inquiry, understanding the customer's request and providing relevant and accurate responses.
Instant Responses:
ChatGPT generates instant replies with detailed product information, current prices, and delivery estimates.
The Connector sends these responses to the customer via WhatsApp, addressing their queries promptly and professionally.
24/7 Availability: The virtual customer support agent operates round-the-clock, ensuring customers receive timely responses, even outside regular business hours.
Efficiency: ChatGPT Action handles multiple inquiries simultaneously, reducing response times and increasing overall customer satisfaction.
Consistent Service: ChatGPT Action delivers consistent and accurate information, ensuring uniform customer experiences and enhancing trust in the brand.
Scalability: As customer inquiries increase, the ChatGPT Action can handle a growing volume of messages, maintaining efficient service even during high-demand periods.
By using the ChatGPT Action within Picky Assist's Connector, businesses can offer reliable, instant, and personalized customer support.
Create a Connector > Steps> Action > 3rd Party App > ChatGPT (See the Picture Below)
Basic Settings for ChatGPT App. Read more (See the picture below)
Here, Users can utilize the response from chatGPT in various actions by simply mapping the saved response variable.(see the picture below)
In this setup, you can effortlessly map the responses generated by ChatGPT and send them to your customers using the 'Send Message' action. This streamlined process enables you to respond to your customers quickly and efficiently through various channels, such as WhatsApp, email, and more. By integrating ChatGPT with this messaging system, you can provide instant and accurate answers to customer inquiries.
Customers can easily add records from the connector to the crm module. This feature will help to keep the customer details in the preferred module. While selecting the module all fields of the module will list in the action. The facebook lead ad form, Calendly, Google form like 3rd party details can be mappped into the modular CRM.
Select module
Select a CRM module to which we need to add the records.
Don’t trigger workflows associated with the module
While enabling the checkbox the workflows associated with the selected module will not execute. And if you are enabling the ignore execution if the data is updated from chat bot builder/ system in the work flow settings then the work flow will not be triggered.
Don’t create record with partial data
If we enable this then, any customer details which are missing the mandatory attribute value then that record will not be saved into the CRM module.
Add new Record
All the Fields of the selected CRM module will be shown here and if we are enabling the option called as Don't Create records with partial data and in the work flow if we enable Trigger workflow even if selected field value is empty while creating then the workflow will get triggered.
Manage module
Customers can easily access the selected crm module builder,it will open the module builder to make any changes in the builder.
Refreshing the selected module for new updates.
This action will help you to search for specific details within existing CRM modules and retrieve the results to perform connector actions.
E-commerce Product Search: In an e-commerce platform, users can search for products by entering keywords or product names. The system performs a data lookup to find matching products in the CRM module and displays relevant results to the user.
Customer Support Ticket Lookup: Customer support agents may need to search for specific support tickets or cases using customer names, ticket numbers, or keywords. The system searches the support ticket CRM module to locate the relevant information.
Inventory Management: Businesses managing inventory may need to search for specific items in their inventory CRM module. Users can enter item names, SKUs (Stock Keeping Units), or other identifiers to perform data lookups.
Medical Records Retrieval: In healthcare, medical professionals may need to search for patient records by name, date of birth, or medical record numbers. The system retrieves the patient's medical history for reference.
Library Catalog Search: In libraries, users can search for books, journals, or other resources by title, author, ISBN, or keywords. The library catalog system performs data lookup to provide information about the available resources.
Select module
Select modular crm module to map the connector attribute values.
Filter record from module
Filter the record in the module for finding the matching result. The customer can filter the record by the record id in the crm. Eg: Customers can send meeting details to all sales team members in the organization.
Limit Records
Limit the search result by record. Give a number for how many records need to be show as the result.
Sorting field
Sort the record by the selected field of the crm module.
Sorting order
The record can sort ascending or descending order.
Save response to variable
Save the search result to a variable to perform further actions.
Customers can update one or many records saved in the Picky Assist Modular CRM modules based on the given criteria. Here are a few use cases you can create with Update Record.
Feedback Update : When feedback is collected, update the respective module record with the new data.
Membership Renewal: Update the membership status and renewal date of a customer when they renew their subscription through connector.
Updating Contact Information: If a customer provides updated contact information (e.g., a new phone number or email address), you can use 'Update Record' to update this information in your CRM.
Task Completion: If a customer completes a task or a milestone within a bigger process (e.g., completing a training module), you can use 'Update Record' to mark this task as completed in your CRM.
Lead Status Updates: As a lead moves through your sales funnel (from prospect to lead to customer), you can use 'Update Record' to update their status in your CRM.
Select module
Select modular crm module to map the connector attribute values.
Filter record from module
Filter the record in the module for finding the matching result. The customer can filter the record by the record id in the crm
Don’t trigger workflows associated with the module
While enabling the checkbox the workflows associated with the selected module will not execute. And if you are enabling the ignore execution if the data is updated from chat bot builder/ system in the work flow settings then the work flow will not be triggered
Limit Records
Limit the search result by record. Give a number for how many records need to be show as the result.
Sorting field
Sort the record by the selected field of the crm module.
Sorting order
The record can sort ascending or descending order.
Update record
Select the field to update in the module. Here we can select multiple fields for updating.
This feature allows you to delete one or many records from the selected module. This is useful for removing data that are no longer needed, helping to keep your CRM clean and uncluttered.
Please note that this action will delete the entire row, meaning all data fields associated with that specific row in the module will be removed.
At a time 2000 records can be deleted and if more than 2000 records are deleted then it will go to queue and it will get executed from there.
Select module
Select modular crm module to map the connector attribute values.
Filter record from module
Filter the record in the module for finding the matching result. The customer can filter the record by the record id in the crm
Don’t trigger workflows associated with the module
While enabling the checkbox the workflows associated with the selected module will not execute. And if you are enabling the ignore execution if the data is updated from chat bot builder/ system in the work flow settings then the work flow will be triggered
Limit Records
Limit the search result by record. Give a number for how many records need to be show as the result.
Sorting field
Sort the record by the selected field of the crm module.
Sorting order
The record can sort ascending or descending order.
In the Connector, you can easily manage your contacts within a chatbot using the Add Contact to Chatbot and Remove Contact from Chatbot actions. This enables personalized interactions and improves customer engagement.
For example, when a customer submits a Google Form, you receive the event in the Connector along with the customer's mobile number. You can then add the customer's contact directly to the chatbot for further conversations and automated actions using the Add Contact to Chatbot action in the Connector.
Click on Add contact to chatbot in the Action step under Flow heading (See the below picture)
Enter the details to add/remove contact from chatbot. (See the below picture)
Here,by enabling the “Trigger chatbot even if contact is already in flow/campaign”option to send the campaign to contacts regardless of their existing flow or campaign. Note that enabling this will remove contacts from their current flow or campaign and include them in this Chatbot.
Remove contact from chatbot
This action will remove contacts from the chatbot. For example, if you are running a chatbot campaign for a limited-time offer and a customer does not complete the purchase within that time, you can use the Remove Contact from Chatbot action to remove those contacts from the chatbot conversation.
In the connector, we can easily add and remove records from funnels using the "Add Record to Funnel" and "Remove Record from Funnel" actions. This helps users perform a variety of automations in the funnel according to their requirements.
For example, in the case of a dental clinic, they need to identify patients who have not visited in the last 30 days for proper consultation. They need to follow up with the patients, so they will send a series of follow-up messages with interactive buttons. Once the patients reply, their appointment status is updated in the CRM, eliminating the need for further follow-up messages.
Using the connector, we can automate this process with the help of the "Add Record to Funnel" and "Remove Record from Funnel" actions. First, we will search for and identify the records according to our requirements. Then, using the "Add Record to Funnel" action, we can add the patients to that funnel, which includes the series of follow-up messages.
Once they start receiving the messages and respond to the interactive messages , their appointment status will be updated in the CRM (Track Interactive Buttons). With this appointment status, we can identify the patients who have responded, so we won’t need to send them additional follow-up messages. At this point, we can use the "Remove Record from Funnel" action in the connector to remove them from the active funnels.
See the below picture
Record ID - Here, you can insert or dynamically map the Record ID that will be added to the funnel.
Optional: Check the “Don’t Add Record to Funnel if Contact is Already in Funnel” checkbox to avoid adding the same contact again.
This is a newly added feature in Picky Assist 3.0 in connector, chatbot, funnel and workflow. This feature is used for sending instant notifications to the agents login page regarding any actions.
For example when a new lead is incoming the agents get notified about the lead with the record details or whenever an event is occurring the agents can get notified instantly with the instant notification action.
For setting instant notification click on the Action step of the connector, chatbot and workflow.
Clicking on the Sent instant Notification action opens a window for adding the Instant Notifications as shown in the image below.
Here you have to select the agent to whom you have to send the notification. Also you can map the agent with their email, agent Id, Reference number or with attributes by clicking on Dynamically Map Agent button
You can add a notification title here and it will show as the header of notification. You can also add attributes as title.
You can add a description for the notification here. The description will appear as the content body of the notification. You can also include emojis and attributes in this field
Along with this fields there are two checkbox options as shown in the picture below.
Send Browser Notification: By default, only on-screen notifications will be shown to agents when the Instant Notification action is triggered. By checking this field, the user will also receive a browser notification in addition to the on-screen notification.
Assign CRM Records to Notifications: When you check this field, a Record ID field pops up. Here, you can add a Record ID from any CRM module or use attributes already mapped in the connector. This record will accompany the notification, allowing the agent to view the record details by clicking on it.
Note that the agent can view the record only if they have the read permission for the module. The notifications will will appear in all opened tabs of the agent as shown in the below image.
When notifications arrive continuously, they will stack one above the other. You can view records by clicking the record name, as shown in the image below
and a 360° view is available by clicking the pop-out icon. Clicking the 'Clear All' button will dismiss all notifications at once.
The Send Instant Notification settings will be the same in Connector, Workflow and Chatbot.
The "Get User" action in your workflow/chatbot/funnel/connector is a versatile tool designed to help you efficiently manage and assign tasks to users or agents based on their availability, activity, and other essential attributes. This feature provides comprehensive options for filtering and sorting users, ensuring that you can target the most suitable individuals for specific tasks or roles.
In any organization, efficiently managing resources, particularly human resources, is crucial to maintaining productivity and ensuring high-quality customer service. The "Get User" action simplifies this process by allowing you to customize the selection of users according to various criteria. This flexibility helps you ensure that tasks are assigned based on real-time data and specific business needs, enhancing operational efficiency and user satisfaction.
Here is an use case:
In a manufacturing company handling many warranty claims, the "Get User" action step is vital for efficiently assigning these claims to service agents. When a claim is submitted, the system first filters agents based on their Online status to ensure only available agents are considered, reducing response delays.Next, it sorts agents by their Last Chat Assigned Time, prioritizing those who haven’t handled a claim recently. This helps balance the workload and prevents any agent from becoming overwhelmed.
The system can also further Filter agents by Expertise Level Roles, ensuring that claims are assigned to those with the right skills for specific issues. For example, a complex machine part claim would go to a specialized agent.
To enhance efficiency, the system can limit the selection to the top 5 most suitable users, allowing quick reassignment if the first agent is busy. This organized approach speeds up claim handling, leading to quicker responses and improved customer satisfaction while creating a more responsive customer service team.
Note: In the Connector, you can assign further actions to multiple filtered users in a sorted order using an iterator. This allows you to dynamically assign tasks or actions based on the filtered criteria, ensuring that each user receives tasks in a consistent, sorted sequence.
But, in Workflow, Chatbot, and Funnel, when you use the "Get Users" action, only the first user from the filtered list of available users can be assigned further actions. This limits task assignment to just one user.
For example, in a customer support system, the Connector can use an iterator with the "Get Users" action to assign support tickets to multiple agents in a filtered, round-robin manner, balancing the workload.
Meanwhile, if you use Workflow, Chatbot, or Funnel, each ticket is assigned only to the first available agent from the filtered list, making it suitable for single-agent assignments.
The below picture shows the Get users step
Filter users based on their availability. You can choose from three options: Online to show users who are currently online, Offline to display users who are not online, or Online & Offline to view all users regardless of their status.
Determine the order in which users are listed. The options include Last Seen to sort users by the time they were last seen, Last Chat Assigned Time to sort users based on the time they were last assigned a chat, or Random to shuffle the list randomly.
Sorting by "User Last Seen" ensures recently active agents handle new inquiries quickly, reducing response times and boosting customer satisfaction.
Sorting by "Last Chat Assigned Time" evenly distributes tasks, preventing agent overload.
Sorting by "Random" ensures that only the agents are shuffled, allowing tasks to be assigned randomly among team members.
For example, In a customer support centre with 20 agents handling a high volume of incoming tickets, the sort by “Random" feature is used to manage ticket assignments.When a new ticket arrives, the system randomly shuffles the list of all 20 agents and assigns the ticket to one of them. For instance, the first ticket might go to Agent 7, the second to Agent 15, the third to Agent 2, and so on, following a random order.
This approach, ensure that each agent has an equal chance to handle various tickets, avoids repetitive patterns, and helps maintain a balanced workload. By using random sorting, the support centre promotes fairness and prevents any agent from being disproportionately assigned too many tasks, thereby sustaining high service quality and efficiency.
Round Robin(User wise)
Sorting by Round Robin method is designed to distribute assignments evenly and fairly among all available users. This cyclic assignment process ensures that tasks are assigned in a predetermined order, allowing each agent to receive a fair share of work. Once every agent has been assigned a task, the system automatically rounds to the first agent and continues the cycle.
To ensure this feature works effectively, make sure to enable the "Update Last Allocated Time of Filtered User" checkbox and set the limit users as 1 for even distribution. This option updates the most recently allocated time for each agent, helping the system identify which agent should receive the next task based on who has been waiting the longest.
If the limit user field is left blank (i.e., with no value), all user's allocated times will be updated simultaneously.
The "Update Last Allocated Time of Filtered User" feature is enabled, whenever a user is assigned or allocated to a record through any source. This ensures that the last allocated time for each user is updated globally.
(See the Below picture)
If this checkbox is unchecked, allocated times will not update, and tasks will be distributed in the usual cyclic order. This may lead to uneven distribution, with some agents receiving more assignments than others. Enabling the checkbox helps maintain a balanced workload and promotes a smoother workflow.
For example, first set the sorting method to Round Robin and limit users to 1; we can save this configuration in a variable to use in subsequent lead allocation/assigning steps. When a lead comes in from a third-party application, our system automatically assigns it to a sales agent by referencing that variable sorted using the Round Robin method. If Alice is first in line, the system assigns the lead to her. The next lead goes to Bob, then Charlie, and this cycle continues. This ensures that leads are evenly distributed among the team, preventing any single agent from being overloaded with tasks.
By enabling the "Update Last Allocated Time of Filtered User" checkbox, the CRM tracks the last allocated time for each agent, allowing it to allocate the next lead to the agent who has been waiting the longest.
3. Sorting Order
Set the direction of the sorting. Choose Ascending to arrange users from smallest to largest or oldest to newest, or Descending to sort from largest to smallest or newest to oldest.
4. Limit Users
Control the number of users displayed from the sorted results by setting a limit. This option allows you to restrict the user list to a manageable number based on your requirements, ensuring you focus only on the most relevant users from the sorted list.
This enables you to store the processed user data and easily reference it in future actions or tasks
Filter Users
By enabling this option you can further refine your user selection based on various criteria. This includes filtering users according to their departments, roles, specific users, and user’s hierarchical levels within the organization.
This enhanced filtering capability allows for more precise targeting and better management of tasks across different teams and organizational levels.
The Trigger Macro Button action in the Flow Builder or a connector allows you to automatically activate macro buttons. When this macro button is triggered, it will operate according to the setup that was made on the button's page of the CRM module builder.This action can be used in chatbot, connectors, funnels, workflows.
To know more about Macro buttons click here.
Once the macro button is triggered, the button fields will open directly on our site. After you update or add the necessary information and submit the pop up form, the connector will also be
Note: Ensure that when selecting an agent in this action, the agent has the appropriate permissions for that button.
For Example, Imagine a recruitment agency managing candidates through various hiring stages, from the initial interview to the final offer. At each stage, specific emails or notifications must be sent, sometimes requiring personalized details like interview schedules, feedback, or next steps. While some stages use standard email templates, others need manual edits for customized details before sending. With the Trigger Macro Button feature, the agency can automate these actions within workflows, so when a candidate moves to a new stage, a macro button automatically triggers based on predefined conditions. This opens a pop-up with relevant Mini App Fields and Module Fields, allowing recruiters to update details directly before sending the email or notification.
To set up- Click “Trigger Macro Button” in actions.
Next, choose the module and select the specific macro buttons you wish to trigger for the records. Then, select the agent who will receive the pop-up notification, ensuring that this agent has the necessary permissions to access and execute the actions associated with the selected macro buttons.
Finally, map the relevant attribute in the Record ID field to ensure that the correct information is displayed when the action is triggered.
(See the below picture)