WhatsApp Automation Server Status API

WhatsApp Web Automation Server Status & Command API's

This API request will fetch the WhatsApp Automation Server Status also able to remotely control your WhatsApp Server by giving Commands like Server Reboot, App Restart, Clear Queue etc

WhatsApp Server Status Request

POST https://pickyassist.com/app/api/v2/device-status

This API request will fetch the WhatsApp Server Status

Request Body


Sample Request

  "token": "2fb9da4f0544f6c57883a0122188121f29",
  "application" : 10

Sample Response


Response Variables

Server Command API's

The Server Command API allows you to manage the Server with various commands which can be used in various situations as below;

You need to pass your command through “command” tag

Server Command API's

POST https://pickyassist.com/app/api/v2/device-action

This API allows you to command your server remotely like , clearing a queue , restart the app or server etc.

Path Parameters

  "status": 100,
  "message": "Success"

Sample Request


Sample Response

  "status": 100,
  "message": "Success"

Last updated