Send Message

Send message to a user in the flow

The "Send Message" step allows you to send a message to the user. This particular step includes various content blocks, enabling you to send a diverse range of content such as per your requirements

Content Block

You can add more content blocks by clicking the "+Content Block" button, as shown below. This action opens a new side menu where you can select from different types of content, as detailed below.

  1. Send Message

  2. Ask A Question

  3. Delay

  4. List Menu

  5. Choice Menu

  6. Location

  7. Contact

  8. Voice Message

  9. WhatsApp Template

Changing Content Block Position

The content block will be sent to the user as per the order its arranged inside a step, you can drag and move the position of each content block as per the order that needs to be sent

Sending Text Message

You can send a plain text message by entering the message into the content block, as shown below.

Use the "</>" attribute feature to personalize the chatbot with the data from the previous step or the data which are stored in the CRM.

Sending Media

In a "Send Message" content block, you can add media files such as images, videos, PDFs, and other files along with text by clicking the "Media" button as shown below;

Dynamically Passing Media URL

It's also possible to pass a media URL dynamically by clicking the "</>" button and entering the public URL of the media.

Please note that Google Drive and some Dropbox media URLs may not work here, as they redirect or embed the media within a webpage. Therefore, you must input a fully qualified URL of the media.

Message Formatting

You can enhance your message by using basic formatting options such as bold, italic, and strikethrough. Additionally, inserting emojis can make your message more appealing to the user.

You can add a header and footer to the message in the WhatsApp Official & Cloud API and WhatsApp Web Automation doesn’t support this feature

Quick Reply

You can add upto 3 buttons as quick replies in the WhatsApp Official & Cloud API

Each button can have a maximum of 20 characters and buttons can also be customized using the </> attribute option

Quick replies are not supported in WhatsApp Web Automation, you need to make use of Send Choice

Below is how the Quick Replies will be shown to WhatsApp Official / Cloud Channels

Saving Quick Reply Button Selection into CRM

You can save the button value that is clicked by a user into the CRM, you can map one or more fields to save the user response, refer the below page for complete details

Saving Data into CRM

If Quick Reply is Not Selected

When you send buttons to the user and the user didn't click any of the buttons instead they send you the freehand text as shown below;

In this case, you can engage the customer to another step or route back to the same step with an error message


The delay inside the content block helps you to delay sending the next content block to the user for enhancing the user experience. For instance, if you have welcomed a user with a long message, you can add a delay of 20 seconds before sending the next message. This allows the user enough time to read the previous messages. You have the option to configure the delay duration between 1 to 60 seconds.

List Menu

Using list messages businesses can send a menu as a message with upto 10 lists or choices separated by optional sections and header, a great feature to showcase product categories, recent orders, saved card details, faq etc

This type of message offers a simpler and more consistent way for users to make a selection when interacting with a business

List Menu Specifications

  • Users cannot select more than one option at the same time from a list or button message, but they can go back and re-open a previous message.

  • It's possible to use a header and footer

  • List messages cannot be used as notifications. Currently, they can only be sent within 24 hours of the last message sent by the user. If you try to send a message outside the 24-hour window, you get an error message.

  • The list can be dynamically generated based on the conversation context

  • It's possible to pass upto 10 choices in the list and segregate the choice with Sections (Optional)

  • Can't use Media files with a list of messages

When You Should Use It

List Messages are best for presenting several options, such as:

  • A customer care or FAQ menu

  • A take-out menu

  • Selection of nearby stores or locations

  • Available reservation times

  • Choosing a recent order to repeat

  • Displaying the last 10 order details

  • Showing the last few transactions

  • Displaying Saved Card details

  • Show delivery address to choose

List Menu Examples

See how the list menu expands when clicking the main menu

You can link each choice to a different step to take dynamic actions as shown below

Choice Menu

The choice menu is a feature that allows businesses to present a set of options for users to select from. Unlike buttons or lists, the choice menu displays the options in a numbered format. Users need to manually send the choice number as a reply to make their selection. This functionality is similar to quick replies, but with the ability to include more text and any number of choices.

The choice menu is particularly useful for WhatsApp Web Automation, as interactive buttons and list menus are not available on this platform. When using the choice menu, the system automatically assigns numbers to the choices in sequential order, starting from 1 and going up to the last choice created. Users can then input the corresponding choice number to make their selection.

When to Use Choice Menu?

  1. If you are using WhatsApp Web Automation as a channel

  2. When the choice text is long

  3. When the choice is more than 10 items

See how the choice menu shows to users in WhatsApp


Location helps you to send the location to the user helps them easily navigate to the given location or share the location with users.

You need to select the location from the map or if you know the longitude and longitude then the same must be provided


You can share a contact card with the user that helps users to easily save your bot number or the sales manager, dedicated spoke in just one click

You can fill the details or dynamically map with attributes to generate dynamic contact cards that can send to users, helpful to share cab details, delivery or pickup agents contact details

Voice Message

You can send voice recordings to the user using this content block

WhatsApp Template

If you are using WhatsApp Official / Cloud API then you can make use of WhatsApp Template to open a conversation in case if no contactable session,

If you have quick reply buttons then you can route the conversation into different steps based on the quick reply selection.

Important Info for Developers

When you are using our interactive buttons, list menus, and choice menus dynamically, please pay close attention to the following details and instructions.

If you are passing a dynamic value in an interactive step and any of the values become null, our system will automatically generate the choice number according to the order of available data. Therefore, you should design your code to listen for the exact value rather than the user input in the next step for automation. This is because the number order can change dynamically depending on the data you pass.

Consider the following example: if you have an order tracking system where multiple orders are open against a user and when the user asks about the order status, you can pull multiple orders from your database. You can then ask the user to select the order they want to check the status of. In this case, you need to create as many choices as your system is likely to output. Our system will automatically number the choices according to the actual values you pass.

Last updated