Create & Manage Data Modules

Build modules to store your data

This page will guide you in creating and managing modules, the pillars of CRM. If you haven't read our CRM Fundamentals yet, we highly recommend doing so first, as it will provide a foundation that will make the steps on this page easier to follow.

Creating a New Module

To create a new module, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the right side main menu.

  2. Navigate to More Menu.

  3. Click on "Modules". This will display a list of all the modules.

  4. Click on the "Create Module" button, and a pop-up will appear.

  5. A new popup will appear on the screen and fill in the details as per the instructions below

Module Name: This is the name of the module, such as "Leads from Facebook".

Display Name: This name will be the text that will display everywhere, so it's advisable to keep it short, like "Leads", etc.

Description: You can add a description of what the module does exactly. This will be helpful if you have many modules, as it can make it easier to understand later.

Icon: This is optional. If you want to add an icon to the module, select one from the list.

Once you've filled in the details, click on the "Create Module" button. You will then be taken to the Module Builder.

Understanding the Module Builder

This is the module builder's view, where you can simply drag data fields from the left side to the right-side canvas to build modules. There will be several fields that are already pre-built.

Data Field Types

Data field types refer to the type of data you input into the fields, like date, number, email, etc. This helps our system provide you with relevant data filtering, validation conditions, and features designed for each data field type.

For example, if you have a numeric field, our system accepts only numeric values from user input. Further, we provide options to validate with relevant conditions, like greater than, equals to, between, to ensure quality data input to your CRM modules. So please select the correct data field type to make the most of the CRM features.

We support 23 types of data fields, and depending on your requirements, you need to choose the correct data type. Let's understand them in detail:

  1. Single Line: This is useful for storing short data like place name, product name, etc.

  2. Multiple Line: This is for storing long data like the description of a product or entering the meeting summary, etc.

  3. Number: Suitable for storing numeric values like Postal Code.

  4. Currency: Best suitable to store price information of the product, billing value, etc.

  5. Percentage: Useful for storing values required for further calculations, like Discount Percentage, Tax percentage, or any value denoted in percentage.

  6. URL: Useful for storing website URLs, document URLs, reference links. These turn into clickable links when data is input.

  7. Lookup: This feature is a powerful tool that allows you to search for and associate a record stored in another module. For instance, if you have two modules: 'Deals' and 'Companies', and you're in the process of creating a deal, you can use the lookup feature to search and link a company that's associated with the deal. Essentially, this creates a relationship between the data in the two modules, enabling our system to identify and display them in our upcoming 360-degree view.

    When records are linked via the lookup field, you can view these linked records in both modules. So, in our example, if you open a 'Company', you will see all the 'Deals' that are linked to that particular company. This feature provides a comprehensive, interconnected view of your data across modules, enhancing your understanding and management of the relationships within your CRM environment.

  8. User: Similar to lookup, it's used when you want to assign a record to a specific user.

  9. Email: Used to input email addresses. The system validates it with the default email format.

  10. Name: This is to collect person's name and doesn't allow numbers or special characters.

  11. Mobile: Used to store mobile numbers, recommended to save along with country code.

  12. Radio Button: Useful for selecting one option at a time from a wide range of options, like Gender.

  13. Drop Down: Useful for selecting one or many options at a time from a selectable drop-down, like country code, process status, stages, etc.

  14. Checkbox: Useful for selecting one or many options at a time, like product interest.

  15. Date & Time: Helps save date and time.

  16. Country: It's a drop-down with all countries pre-built.

  17. Timezone: It's a drop-down with all time zones pre-built.

  18. Location: Where you can save GPS coordinates, i.e., Latitude and Longitude of any locations.

  19. Language: It's a drop-down with all popular languages pre-built.

  20. File Upload: Different types of files can be uploaded and stored in the CRM, like contract copy, etc.

  21. Tags: Can add a tag to a specific record. This is a system-defined field.

  22. Notes: Can add multiple notes against each record, like quick information about the record or a historical activity log. This is a system-defined field.

  23. Contacts: Connect the record with a contact that helps associate records and track and view all associated records from one place.

Combine all these data fields together to build a module as per your requirement.

Adjusting Field Order in Modules:

The layout of fields in your modules isn't set in stone; you have the freedom to customize the order in which they appear. This flexibility enables you to create a form that best fits the data input patterns of your users.

To adjust the order of fields within a module, you simply need to use the drag-and-drop functionality provided. By clicking and holding on a field, you can move it to a new location within the form. As you move the field, other fields will adjust accordingly, making room for the field you're moving.

The order in which you arrange the fields in the module builder directly determines the order in which they'll appear to the user when inputting data. This way, you can structure the data entry process to be as intuitive and efficient as possible for your users. The more logical the sequence of fields, the easier it will be for users to complete the form, potentially saving them valuable time and reducing the likelihood of errors.


If you have a large amount of data to collect, you can use sections to manage them more effectively. A section works like a group where you can map a group of related fields, helping to make the module more organized and easier to navigate. For instance, you might have a section for personal information, another for professional details, and so forth.

Duplicating a Field:

Duplicating a field in your module is a task that can be done quickly and easily. By simply clicking on the duplicate icon (as shown below), you're able to create a new field that mirrors an existing one. This function is particularly beneficial when you need to replicate a complex field that has intricate validation conditions.

After the duplication, all you need to do is alter the name of the field and adjust any validation conditions as required. This procedure allows you to efficiently construct new, similar fields, eliminating the necessity to manually recreate complex validation conditions each time.

By leveraging the power of the duplication feature, you can maintain consistency across your data entry fields while saving significant time and effort. It's one more way our CRM platform streamlines and simplifies your business processes.

Field Validations:

In your CRM, field validations provide a way to enforce data integrity based on the type of data each field is supposed to contain. These validations ensure that the data entered meets specific criteria, providing an extra layer of protection against incorrect or inappropriate entries.

For example, if you have a text field intended to hold descriptions, you might validate it to ensure that it contains a minimum number of characters. This can ensure that descriptions are adequately detailed. For a number field holding age data, you could set a validation to ensure that only values greater than 18 are entered, protecting against potential legal issues.

The flexibility of field validations means you can customize them according to your specific needs. You can add multiple validation conditions per field, and choose whether all conditions must be met ("Match All Conditions") or if satisfying any one of them is enough ("Match Any Condition").

This ability to customize your validations ensures your CRM data is consistent, reliable, and suitable for your business's specific needs. By preventing incorrect data entry at the source, you save time and avoid potential misunderstandings or inaccuracies down the line.

Required Fields:

Certain fields in your module can be flagged as 'required'. These are essential data points without which the record would be considered incomplete or inadequate. When a field is set as required, the system ensures that the data entry process cannot be completed until these fields are filled in.

For instance, in a customer information module, you might designate the phone number or email address as mandatory. Without these key contact details, you wouldn't be able to effectively communicate or engage with the customer, hence their necessity.

By enforcing this constraint, you help maintain a high standard of data quality in your CRM. It also assists in reducing the chances of erroneous or incomplete data entries which might later lead to misunderstandings or communication difficulties.

Remember, a well-maintained CRM system is a valuable asset for any business, and making the right fields mandatory is a crucial step towards achieving that.

Unique Fields:

Implementing unique fields in your module aids in preserving the integrity of your data. When a field is flagged as unique, the system automatically ensures that no two records within that module contain the same value for this specific field. For instance, it would prevent the entry of two contacts with the same email address.

This is an invaluable feature for fields where the data should be uniquely identifiable, like email addresses, phone numbers, or user IDs. It helps prevent duplication and keeps your database clean and reliable.

One thing to note is the unique field property comes into effect only after you have enabled this feature. If you decide to designate a field as unique after data entry has already begun, the system will not retroactively check for uniqueness among existing records. The unique property constraint will apply only to new entries or updates made post this change.

Thus, if you believe a field should be unique, it's best to enable this feature before starting data entry. If enabled later, you may want to manually verify and remove any duplicates among existing data for the best results.

Read-Only Fields:

Read-only fields are designed to preserve the integrity of the data entered within them. Once information is filled in a read-only field, it cannot be changed by regular users. This feature ensures the accuracy of critical data, helping to avoid inadvertent or unauthorized alterations.

Alterations to data in these fields can only be performed by administrators or users who have been granted specific privileges. This ensures that changes can only be made by trusted individuals who understand the implications of their edits.

Incorporating read-only fields into your module design can be essential when dealing with sensitive data such as financial figures, contract terms, or crucial customer information. By setting up read-only fields, you add an extra layer of data security, ensuring that your most important information remains untouched and accurate.

Hidden Fields:

Hidden fields serve a crucial role in the background of your module design. While they are not visible to users, they are capable of storing and maintaining data. These fields are particularly useful when dealing with internal data that isn't relevant for the user to see or interact with.

For example, you may use hidden fields to store information like unique identifiers, metadata, or internal record keeping data. These pieces of information can be important for the system's backend processing or for maintaining accurate records, but are not necessarily beneficial or comprehensible for the user to see.

Also, hidden fields can serve as placeholders for information that is computed based on other fields but should not be directly manipulated by the user. This way, you can maintain the integrity and consistency of your data while keeping your user interface clean and focused.

System Fields:

System fields form an integral part of the CRM structure and are automatically generated and managed by the CRM system itself. They generally include information such as data ownership, creation date, and the last updated date. These fields serve a crucial role in keeping track of the record's history and ownership.

One of the primary purposes of system fields is to maintain a thorough audit trail of all activity surrounding a particular record. This can be incredibly helpful for transparency, accountability, and troubleshooting purposes.

While the nature of system fields generally prevents them from being deleted, you may have the option to rename them. This flexibility can be particularly beneficial for localization purposes, allowing you to customize field names to better align with your region's language or your business's internal terminology.

Roles & Permissions

To ensure efficient and secure access to the modules, specific permissions need to be assigned to users. Each user's role can be defined and tailored to suit their job description and the level of access they require within the CRM. Below are the different types of permissions available:

  • Write: Full permission, able to read and write data into the CRM modules.

  • Read: Able to only read the data, without the ability to make any changes.

  • Delete: Able to delete the records.

  • Public Write: Able to view and edit the records owned by other users.

  • Public Read: Able to view records owned by other users but not able to edit them.

  • Export: Able to export details from the CRM in CSV format.

  • Import: Able to bulk import data into the CRM from other sources.

  • Edit Read Only: Ability to edit fields marked as read-only.

Disabling a Module

There may be occasions when you want to disable a module so it is not visible to your users, but only to those with admin privileges. This can be easily achieved. Simply navigate to the module list page and switch the active status to inactive, as demonstrated below.

However, it is important to note that the system will verify whether there are any active workflows or chatbot flows associated with the module before taking it offline. For successful deactivation, these connected sources must be disabled beforehand. For your convenience, the system will provide a list of all the connected workflows and steps, as shown below.

This process helps maintain the integrity of your data and ensures that no active dependencies are inadvertently disrupted when you choose to disable a module.

Deleting a Module:

If you need to delete a module along with all of its associated data, there are a few steps you need to follow. Firstly, you must delete all the linked workflows and chatbots, if any, associated with the module. After ensuring this, proceed to the module list page.

Click on the three dots associated with the module you wish to delete and select 'Delete' from the dropdown menu. Confirm your decision by selecting 'Yes' in the subsequent popup.

For added security, we don't immediately permanently delete the module. Instead, it's moved to the Recycle Bin. This provides an opportunity for recovery in case the deletion was a mistake or if you need to retrieve some information. By clicking the three dots, you can choose to restore the module or permanently delete it.

Do note that if you choose to permanently delete the module, all data associated with it will be irretrievably removed. Please exercise this option with care.

Duplicating Modules:

Duplicating an existing module can be a real timesaver when you need to create another module with minimal changes. This feature is especially useful when you have a fully set up module complete with all necessary fields, validations, and other logic.

To duplicate a module, simply navigate to the module list page. Click on the three dots next to the module you wish to duplicate, and select 'Duplicate' from the dropdown menu. Confirm your decision by selecting 'Yes' in the subsequent popup.

The system will duplicate the entire structure of the original module, including all of its permissions. This allows you to have an exact copy of your module, which you can then modify as needed. Please note that while the structure and permissions are duplicated, the actual data within the module will not be. This ensures that you're starting with a clean slate, free of any previous data that might interfere with your new module's operations.

Last updated