Contact Module

Currently we have only Contact as Module build in the CRM, we are in the process to add more modules like Deals, Leads, Invoices or allows you to build your own modules through our upcoming feature "Module Builder"

Adding Data Into Contact Module

You can add data into Contact Module in the following ways;

  1. From an Excel or CSV Sheet -> Bulk Import from an excel or csv file

  2. From Mini Apps -> Manually adding One by One

  3. From Channels -> Automatically adds Contacts when someone sends a Message

  4. From Connector -> Based on event happens in a 3rd party app like filling a Google Form etc

Default Fields in the Contact Module

A contact module consist of following default fields which are called as "System Fields"

  1. Name

  2. Mobile Number

  3. Email

  4. Channel

  5. Timezone

  6. Country

  7. Profile Picture

  8. Subscribed or Created Date

  9. Last Interaction Time

Custom Fields (Attributes) in the Contact Module

Apart from the System Defined Fields it's possible for you to create your own custom fields and save data into it like Gender, Product, Address etc and this will be known as "Attributes"

Following type of attributes can be created

  1. Text -> Good to save any type of contents

  2. Numeric -> Good to save mobile number, sales figures, postal code etc

  3. Date -> Ideal to save Date like Date of Birth, Anniversary etc

  4. Date & Time -> Ideal to Save Date & Time like Next Followup date etc

  5. Website -> Good to save Website, URL, Google Drive links etc

  6. Email -> Perfect for saving more email address of a contact

  7. Choice -> Great to Save multiple options like Gender (Male, Female, Transgender) etc

  8. File -> Ideal to Save any type of files or document like Contracts, Business Proposals etc

Segmentation of Contacts Using Tags & Categories

Contacts can be easily segmented by adding Tags & Categories

Contact Owner

Each contact in the contact module should have an owner, it can be Admin or any User in the CRM;

  1. By default the contact owner will be the user who adds a contact through their Picky Assist account.

  2. If a new contact is added through Connector then it's possible to specify the contact owner, like when submitting a new Google Form based on the contents in the form a contact owner can be assigned.

  3. If a user sends a message to the business connected channel for the first time then system will allocate the contact owner as the CRM user whom the chat is attended first.

  4. If no CRM users are online when the user sending a message then the contact owner will be mapped as per the Settings configured in the "Routing Rules"

  5. It's possible to change the contact owner anytime from the Contact Module or the contact owner can be changed based on an event happens in a 3rd party platform using the Connector.

Last updated