Webhook Request & Response

Get Started with Sample Request & Response

Webhook Trigger Methods

JSON Method Query String Method

JSON Method

In this method you will get data as JSON , you need to specify to push the data in JSON method while setting up Webhook URL

POST https://yourdomain.com/webhook

Receiving Message with Text & Media

	"number": "963587413",
	"message-in": "test",
	"type": "2",
	"application": "1",
	"unique-id": "5642",
	"project-id": "27",
	"media-url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/57/PT05_ubt.jpeg",
	"custom-variable": "test"

Receiving Message with Multiple Contacts

Not Support in Phone Automation

         "phone":"+91 99s999 00111",
         "phone":"+91 9888d8 00222",

Receiving Message with Location

Not Supported in Phone Automation

      "name":"Tourism Maldives",
      "address":"Tourism Maldives Magazine, USA",

Receiving Quoted Reply Messages In WhatsApp Interactive Buttons

Not Supported in Phone Automation

  "number": "91940055074",
  "message-in": "Not+Sure",
  "message_in_raw": "Not Sure",
  "type": 9,
  "application": "8",
  "unique-id": "52363299",
  "project-id": "10129",
  "direction": 0,
  "name": "Picky",
  "context-msg-id": "30486936",
  "payload": "confirmbutton"

Receiving List Message & Button Clicks

Supported only in WhatsApp Official

      "description":"choice description1"

Receiving Message With Referral Details

Supported only in WhatsApp Official, you will receive referral details in "referral" array when a user clicks the "WhatsApp"" call to action buttons and sends a messages, this helps you to identify the source of the referral and measure the effectiveness of the engagement ratio

  "number": "919446XXXXXX",
  "message-in": "test",
  "message_in_raw": "test",
  "type": 1,
  "application": 8,
  "unique-id": "70946012",
  "project-id": "14192",
  "direction": 0,
  "referral": {
    "headline":”Our new product”,
    "body": "Test message",
    "source_type": "ad",
    "source_url": "http://pickyassist.com",
    "image": "https://fb/image"

Query String Method (deprecated)

In this method data will be posted as query parameter through URL as shown below, this is the default method

Query String method is deprecated on 30 March 2020 and no new updates will be pushed to this method.

POST -> https://yourdomain.com/webhook?number=963587413&message-in=test&type=1&application=1&unique-id=5672&project-id=27&media-url="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/57/PT05_ubt.jpeg&custom-variable=test

Last updated

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